Wasp Control In Maryland

Bug Squashers of Maryland uses their many years of industry knowledge to solve pest problems.  Bug Squashers offers effective and safe pest eradication of Wasps.  We protect both residential and commercial properties in many parts of Maryland.  Bug Squashers uses top products such as Wasp Freeze and Cyper WSP to help eliminate Wasps for good. 

Few creatures incite as much fear and loathing as wasps. They are often mistaken for bees, but whereas bees are gentle and beneficial pollinators, wasps are aggressive predators. This can make them a real pest to homeowners, as they can damage property and sting people.

What are wasps?

Wasps are a type of flying insect that is closely related to bees and ants. They are often brightly coloured, with yellow or black stripes, and can range in size from a few millimetres to over 2.5cm long. Wasps live in colonies which can contain thousands of individuals, and each colony has a distinct social hierarchy.

The vast majority of wasp species are actually beneficial to humans, as they prey on other insects that can damage crops or carry diseases. However, there are a few species that are considered to be pests, as they can cause problems for homeowners.

One of the most common pest wasps is the German yellowjacket (Vespula germanica). This wasp is roughly 12mm long and has a yellow and black striped abdomen. The German yellowjacket is a native of Europe, but it has been introduced to North America, where it has become a major pest.

What problems do wasps cause?

Pest wasps can cause a number of problems for homeowners. Firstly, they can damage property by building their nests in places like eaves, gutters or wall cavities. Wasps will also chew through wood, insulation and other materials in order to build their nests.

Secondly, pest wasps can be a danger to humans as they are capable of stinging. Wasps will only sting humans if they feel threatened, but their stings can be very painful and can cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Finally, wasps can be a nuisance as they are attracted to sweet food and drinks. This can make picnics or BBQs difficult, as wasps will try to steal food from humans.

If you have a wasp problem it is best to contact Bug Squashers Pest Control to professionally remove the nest to keep you and your family safe. Contact us for a free estimate and find out about our current pest control specials.

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